Specially designed for structural steel, the new Contego High Solids formula means you can get the same great results using 20% less paint! A thinner coat means less labor costs to get the desired rating. Full-bodied latex, single component coating is designed to protect a wide range of building materials, including structural steel, aluminum, dimensional lumber, manufactured wood products, trusses, drywall, spray polyurethane foam insulation, HDPE wall panels, concrete, plaster, solid core doors and more.
Contego Fire Retardant Paint
Color- White
Specific Gravity - 1.29
pH Range - 8.0‐8.5
Weight/Gal - 12.9 lbs (5.85 Kilos)
Hazardous Ingredients - N/A
Volume Solids - 49.7%
Weight Solids - 56.2%
Flammability Not Flammable
Thickness and Coverage Rates - this depends entirely on the substrate and the time rating required. Please call to get coverage requirements for your particular project. General Guidelines for Coating Thickness Requirements:
Dimensional Lumber – Up to 2 hours depending on the size of the wood and the thickness of Contego applied. (20 mils/.50mm dft)
Manufactured Wood – Up to 2 hours depending on the size of the wood and the thickness of Contego applied. (20 mils/.50mm dft)
Polyurethane Foam – Meets the 15 minute thermal barrier requirements of IBC‐2603 (15 ‐ 20 mils/.38 ‐.50mm dft)
Drywall (GWB) – Contego adds 55 minutes to any type of GWB. (15 mils/.38mm dft)
Structural Steel – Contego provides up to 3 hours restrained depending on the W/D, Hp/A or A/P of the steel and the thickness of Contego applied. (8 to 120 mils / .20 – 3mm dft – refer to our steel calculator)
Aluminum – Columns have been tested for 2 hours. Aviation grade .025 panels for an estimated 4+ hours. (20 to .50 dft)
All applications are enhanced by 25% to 32% when top coated with a finish coat of your preference. Test results were based on comparative performance with a top coat of oil‐based alkyd.
Contego Product Advantages: - Exceptional protection from heat and fire.
- Smooth, thin, decorative finish.
- Topcoat with whatever you prefer including alkyd based finishes.
- Nontoxic, non-dermatic and noncarcinogenic latex.
- Economically priced.
- Fast drying and curing times.
- Can be pre-applied to steel members and other materials at the point of fabrication and is easy to repair.
- No shelf life limitations.
- May be sprayed, brushed or rolled.
- No special equipment is required.
- Any qualified contractor can apply it.
- Cleans up with soap and water.
- Interior or exterior application (just use exterior grade top coat for exterior applications).
Contego PFB should not be applied when the relative humidity exceeds 80% or the surface to be coated is less than 40oF (5° C) or less than 15o F (‐9° C) above the current or forecasted dew point. The product is best applied when ambient temperatures are between 50oF (10° C) and 95oF (35° C). While the product can be applied at lower temperatures, viscosity may be a problem and, if applied at higher than recommended temperatures, there may be a risk of runs or sags. Once applied and cured, extremely low or high temperatures should not be a problem. On combustible substrates such as dimensional lumber, manufactured wood (Oriented Strand Board, Particle Board, Plywood, etc.), polyurethane foam, and drywall (GWB) a primer is not required but may be useful if:
• Dimensional Lumber – The wood is very old and/or dry and would likely absorb too much of the Contego coating.
• Manufactured Wood – The substrate is very old and/or dry or if the resin content is unusually high.
• Polyurethane Foam – The foam is soy‐based or made from other organics that emit a vegetable oil.
• Drywall (GWB) – The drywall has been previously painted with oil‐based (alkyd) paint or if you’re not sure.
• On structural steel and other metals such as aluminum, copper, brass, or composites, ‐ a primer is always required. No exceptions have been observed regarding what kind or brand of primer can be used. Even inexpensive shop primer has shown no incompatibilities. However, doing a test patch is always recommended with any new combinations of primer and our product since it is impossible to have tested every product from every manufacturer.
